Thursday, August 28, 2008

A week off to reflect and relax

Well, the MBA "boot camp" summer has been just that- hardcore but really really mind-enhancing in many ways...Finance was a struggle i must admit, having never done it before, and not sure how much I retained (not just Retained Earnings, but hopefully Retained Learnings). I think the difficulty is how to balance it all- I feel I've been such a social person for most of my life that i need to focus on academia at this point...yes i've already got a masters but still... and as we joke at the Mass Institute of Tiredness, well they just push you bloody hard! i also want to so explore all the ecosystem of entrepreneurialism and innovation around MIT as well and be part of that. I visited One Laptop Per Child last week. Ended up staying there for 1.5 hrs, it was sooo interesting what they are doing..and I was a cynic beforehand. They are really trying to redefine cross-national interfaces, new types of sturdy and sun-proof machines, new ways of learning through computers.and new types of wireless networks in villages. It is great and clever and what is so needed, as well as bringing down the price of computing power.

I am in the UK right now, realising how it is so not the chosen or promised land for me and that i really need to find it!
i love my friends and family here- it has been so great to see and catch up with Serena, Joe, Rod, Brenda, Jonathan, Lexie and my parents.. good friends are incredible and always worth the plane ticket, no matter what, but unsure I want to return here after the MBA. I would have so loved to go to Solen's wedding in Istanbul today, but I felt I needed to spend time with family and also just chill, i slept a lot, emptying my head, and excercising knowing I would go back to MIT in full force- as Fall semester starts with all that MIT has to offer, which I have not experienced so far...all the new bods and happenings and events and much i want to do. I was talking to my dad today at lunch about the Kennedy Museum in Boston and Martha's Vineyard/Cape Cod, and skiing in Colorado and visiting Maine and Canada and NYC...prioritising and a system of buying sleep would be cool for this year then...American "culture" will always be there and the learning at MIT will not...

I am a quarter-way through my new-found learning- both external (about business in general) and internal (about me)
as well as learning how to live and be and make my mark on the world.... so this is good time to take perspective and stock of what has changed and where I want to direct the rest of the year towards...

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