Sunday, May 10, 2009

The End of Studying (well for now)...

This might well be my last Sunday spent studying...this is the last week of the semester. The sun pours in my window and I am reading a 10K for a take-home exam for "Finance" class. I put the word in inverted commas as we are unsure as to its validity as a Finance class. The Professor wears a shirt, tie, shorts and red crocks..class discussions are cool. One interesting thing we talked about was that the Maldive islands were for sale (as they are sinking) and how could they be valued? Could you compare them to the price of creating The World in Dubai? What about the future cash flows you could generate as a private country with offshore gambling or other such activities.But they will sink in time..

What has definitely not sunk in yet is that I will leave this everyday familiarity which is Sloan, very soon. The daily hellos to tens or hundreds of students and Profs up and down and across the corridors and bridges which connect the buildings; having great conversations when trying to find peace and quiet to study in the Fellows lounge, in the library or in the E52 lounge; the terrible but terribly-efficient-at-waking-you-up coffee from Refresher Course with smiles from sweet Teresa.All this will be sadly missed.

Next week: Web 3.0 drinks, $100k biz plan competition; Branding party where we bring our fave brand of drink, SF women's dinner; Sloan Follies extravaganza....lots of parties and 2 exams...then boarding a flight to Delhi in time for the election results and then to Turkey..2 weeks of international business leadership and class final bonding to complete the experience.

Wow..last week we had a lunch with the core Faculty where our Creative Director Adnan had pieced together a powerful 10 min movie about our year and the learning that has taken place. The tears flowed...and I can see many more in my near future.

Last Thursday was the African C Function which blew me away with Step dancing - an African American dance which certainly is a metaphor for life and the masks that we wear. Last Friday was our gradation party where we rocked the Boston Hard Rock Cafe with the SF band and then karaoke, in amongst Madonna's cone-shaped bra...such talent was exposed as well as much rockstar excessive consumption.

Then some of us woke up early for Pei-Ling's birthday breakfast with an incredible Jimmy Choo b'day cake..I felt like I was in an episode of Sex and the City for sure, we spoke about foot fetishes and swapped Cosmos for Bloody Marys and pomogranate champagne.

Last night I was with my PhD friends at Edgerton, we watched a 1960s Hindi movie called Bandini, about female prisoners in blue striped saris, and of course love. Ila's cheescake was divine..then we argued over which songs were truly sexy...I want to be your underwear (Bryan Admas), Gett Off (Prince); Brazilian Drum and Bass (DJ Marky); Led Zep....conclusion: if you match with someone else on this selection issue, the spark should be good between you. Music is the food of love after let's all play on...we deserve it.

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